How to get a good car insurance coverage and save on your premiums?

Diposkan oleh Zainal Arifain

First of all, qualifies you car insurance company.

Purchase a car insurance policy only from company with at least an "A" rating from the insurance rating services. Eliminates those insurance companies that have bad services and with bad payment records.

Get Quotes from as many car insurance companies as possible. Start with the bigger and well- established companies. Consult the yellow pages for car insurance companies and agents in your area. Ask them for quotes and other related informations. Review the literatures and quotes from at least 3 companies. Use the internet to get more information and don't forget to ask for discounts. Compare and evaluate the information you have received, before deciding on with policy and company you want to sign the contract with.

Take time off to review your policy every year.The value of your car will reduce every year, and you should be reducing the amount of car insurance coverage. Review the discounts you may be eligible, from there you might be able to reduce your car insurance premium. Pay a bit of attentions and spend more time to details will gather you some savings definitely.

There are many ways you can save on car insurance premiums.

The amount of savings you can sort for will vary from policy to policy within the same car insurance company.

Check with your car insurance company: If you purchase more then one car, you might be eligible for discounts. If you or your family members have been accident-free or have had no moving violations for the past years, you may qualifies for a discount. If you drive a limited number of miles per year, you are also eligible for discounts. If you have completed some driver training courses offered by some special organisations or association, you may qualify for discounts. If you make neccessary arrangments to make it harder for thieves to steal your car by installing an ignition cut-off system, an alarm system, a tracking system, or a hood-and-wheel-locking device; discounts may be considered. If your car is equipped wtih air bags and automatic seat belts, you may be able to reduce your medical payments insurance premium. If you did installed antilock brakes to improve steering control and stability that reduces accidents, will also get you discounts from you car insurance company. If your kids lives away from home and does not have a car, you may even be eligible for a discount on your car insurance. If you have homeowner's or renter's insurance with the same car insurance company, you may get a discount on all these policies.

by RGann

RGann is an independent writer and marketer online. Ther are more ways to save money on car insurance. If you found this article useful you can learn a lot more about car insurance tips and resources by visiting

More aboutHow to get a good car insurance coverage and save on your premiums?

Car Insurance - What You Should Know

Diposkan oleh Zainal Arifain

Most of us haven't got a clue about what our car insurance really covers. Here's what car insurance covers and how you can save money on your premium.

Collision Coverage

Collision insurance pays for repairs to your car from a collision regardless of who was at fault.

Raising the deductible - the amount you pay before your insurance company pays a claim - will save you hundreds of dollars a year on your premium. If you have an older car that's not worth a lot, dropping your coverage, especially if your car is worth less than your insurance premium, can save you $450 or more.

Comprehensive Coverage

Comprehensive insurance pays for non-collision damage to your car from such things as vandalism, break-ins, fire, natural disasters, and other causes.

Raising your deductible will lower your premium considerably. Dropping this coverage if you drive an older car will also save you money.

Liability Coverage

Liability coverage pays for claims made against you for property damage and physical injury. It's really the most important coverage because it protects you from losing your assets.

Don't skimp on this one. If you don't own much, you can stick with the minimum coverage. But if you do have assets you want to protect, get as much coverage as you can to protect those assets. Increasing your liability coverage won't cost you that much more.

Medical Coverage

Medical coverage pays medical expenses when you or your passengers have an accident. It also pays expenses if you or your family are injured in someone else's car.

Consider dropping this coverage if you already have health insurance. And if you don't have health insurance consider getting it instead of carrying medical coverage on your car insurance policy.

Visit or click on the following link to receive free car insurance quotes from A-rated companies and get discount auto insurance rates. You can get more insurance tips by checking out their "Articles" section.

by Brian Stevens

The author, Brian Stevens, is a former insurance agent and financial consultant who has written numerous articles on car insurance.

More aboutCar Insurance - What You Should Know

Effective methods of availing cheap car loan

Diposkan oleh Zainal Arifain

A loan can be cheap only if it comes with low APR. It is the Annual Percentage Rate that reflects the overall cost of the loan. It includes the interest rate, processing fees, early repayment penalty etc. Thus, if you are looking for Cheap car loan to finance a set of wheels then you have to consider the deal in terms of the APR. Simply taking a customised option bearing the same name will not serve your purpose.

There are various factors that contribute to make a car loan deal cheap. In order to make your car loan really cheap you have to apply some methods. Your endeavour should be to save as much penny as possible. The first method you have to apply is to take secured type of loan. It comes with lower interest rate. Though interest rate is not the only cost of a loan, it reflects the major portion. So, you can curb the cost of the loan to a greater extent by keeping the interest rate low.

The other method is to check the contingency fees and to try to save as much amount as you can. Some fees are there that you cannot avoid at all. Like, if you apply for secured Cheap car loan, you have to pay the collateral assessment cost. But certain fees are there that you can do away with. For example you can take the case of payment protection insurance (PPI). If do not find it necessary then don't go for PPI.

The next thing you can do to get a car loan at cheap rate is to search the market extensively. Existence of multitude lenders has made the loan market highly competitive. Some of them sell loans at nominal cost just to outdo other lenders. You have to hunt out such type of lender and compare them with others. The method of research and comparison has already been proved to be an effective means of availing suitable deals. Naturally, it will also work fruitfully for you.

by Joanne Clive

For more information about Cheap car loan please visit at:

More aboutEffective methods of availing cheap car loan

How to Find the Best Auto Insurance Companies With the Best Rates

Diposkan oleh Zainal Arifain

Best Auto Insurance Companies

There are a lot of auto insurance companies who claim to be the biggest, the best, the cheapest, the friendliest , and on and on. But what you really want to know is how a particular company will treat you when it comes to paying a claim? Will you be paid the full amount of the claim? Will you be paid on time? Will you be paid at all?

Here's how to find out:

1. Every state has a department of insurance, and most departments maintain websites that include a consumer complaint department. Here you can find out how many claims have been filed against a company and compare them to other companies.

If your state's insurance department doesn't have a website, you can go to California's website - - click on "Consumers," then "Studies and Reports," and "Consumer Complaint Study" to see the numbers of justified complaints consumers have filed against a particular company.

2. Go to to find out what a company's customers have to say about them. Here you'll find ratings and reviews from real customers who've had dealings with insurance companies and you can get the inside scoop on how they handle their claims.

Best Auto Insurance Rates

The difference in insurance rates between insurance companies is amazing. Company "A" may charge you $2,000 for a policy, while company "B" will charge you $1,100 for the same policy. That's a $900 difference!

The best way to find the best rates is to go to an online insurance comparison website. Here you'll be able to get rates from a number of companies by filling out a simple questionnaire (see links below).

It only takes a few minutes and you get quotes from well-known, A-rated companies, not poorly rated companies you've never heard of.

During the questioning process you can tailor your car insurance policy to fit your needs, and get all the discounts you're entitled to. For tips on how to get the maximum amount of discounts on auto insurance click on the link below then go to the "Articles" section.

Visit or click on the following link for free car insurance quotes from A-rated companies to get discount car insurance rates. You can get more insurance tips by checking out their "Articles" section.

by Brian Stevens

The author, Brian Stevens, is a former insurance agent and financial consultant who has written extensively on how to find the best auto insurance companies.

More aboutHow to Find the Best Auto Insurance Companies With the Best Rates

Insurance quote

Diposkan oleh Zainal Arifain

Most states make it mandatory for you to have car insurance. The minimum the authorities accept is liability coverage on your car. A liability cover will protect the other person if ever you are involved in an accident. Nowadays Internet is becoming a major information center for those looking for auto cheap insurance.

Getting car insurance cheaper may simply be a matter of using your car less on the road and perhaps, if appropriate, insuring it for only pleasure driving or limit the distance that you will drive your vehicle over the following year.

After establishing your vehicle's possible usage, you can obtain car insurance quote from a dealer, a broker or direct with an insurance company. One of the best ways is to get your car insurance quotes online. This is because of the general simplicity of the forms and variety of sources for finding quotes online. There are a lot of options available to the consumer online and you can peruse them at your leisure without being pressured by pushy salespeople

Saving money is one of the main reasons why people tend to find online car insurance quotes. There are several websites, which offer instant car insurance quote comparison services. This helps the drivers to compare the same service provided by different auto insurance companies before sticking into any insurer. This assures that the drivers can easily find out the low cost quotes. By choosing for online car insurance you can save time spent to see an insurance agent or being hassled over the phone.

The number of people looking for cheap online car insurance quote is growing by day. The number of financial companies who claim they are the cheapest car insurance company are many. With unparalleled growth in auto cheap insurance arena both companies and brokers are on the look out for business and this gives the customer in search of auto cheap insurance scores of options. Before deciding on the on the cheapest online car insurance quote you should do a thorough homework, as the prize range varies considerably. Try to get as many quotes as possible before coming to a decision.

But you should never be carried away by the thought of getting the cheapest car insurance company. By doing so most of the important aspects are ignored and in process you also stand to lose better deals, which you could have enjoyed if you had opted for an insurance for a slightly more pay. Drivers with a clean slate are given better deals and families with teen drivers are offered competitive quotes by certain insurance companies. Cheap online car insurance quote makes this an easy task.

Last but not least, remember that the companies you will be dealing with will be trying to compete to be your car insurance company, so don't be afraid to get as many quotes as possible before settling on a particular car insurance quote.

by judy sim

About the author, judy sim is a freelance fulltime writer. For more information of this article please visit

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Tips To Reduce Car Insurance Drivers Costs

Diposkan oleh Zainal Arifain

Tips To Reduce Car Insurance Costs

Unfortunately the costs of car insurance have risen over the last 10 years. The main reason for this is due to the number of people claiming for personal injury cases. 10 years ago when someone ran into the back of another drivers car, the cost of the claim was just the repairs to the car. Nowadays though you can also add a couple of thousand to pay for a whip lash or neck injury claim.

The increased competition among car insurance companies in particular the direct providers and the internet brokers has helped curb the increases. However there are still somethings that you can do to reduce you annual or monthly premiums.

1 - Make sure you tell them how many miles per year you do as low mileage discounts are normally given for less than 5000 miles per year.

2 - If you're car has an alarm, try and find out the make and model no, as some insurers give discounts.

3 - We recommend you get car insurance quotations off atleast 5 insurance companies.

4 - If you hold an advanced driving license such as institute advanced motorists then information inform the motor insurance companies that you apply to.

For many more tips on saving money on you car motor insurance visit

by Damian Youell

Damian is the owner of many finance related websites. Including mortgage, loans insurance and debt advice.

More aboutTips To Reduce Car Insurance Drivers Costs

Will The Fed Help You Get A Bad Credit Auto Loan?

Diposkan oleh Zainal Arifain

One of the biggest worries of car dealerships is a sudden hike in interest rates. The higher the interest rate, the more the borrower's monthly payment. Since the interest rate is calculated against the purchase price of the car, a higher interest rate could prevent many borrowers from qualifying to finance and buy the car of their dreams.

In addition to credit scores, lenders, who make loans on personal and real property, use a debt to income ratio formula to determine a prospective borrower's maximum monthly payment . The lender then adds the borrower's estimated monthly premiums for insurance, and taxes (if applicable) to the borrower's principal and interest payments, to determine borrowers total monthly debt. The maximum debt to income ratio that lenders will generally allow is 50%.

This simply means that the total amount of your monthly payments, as currently listed on your credit report, plus the monthly payment of your prospective bad credit auto loan and/or bad credit mortgage loan, plus any applicable monthly taxes and insurance can not exceed 50% of your gross monthly income. The criteria is even sticter for good credit borrowers seeking prime rates, because most lenders require that borrowers seeking prime rates have debt to income ratio that is below 38%. Generally, most lenders only require disclosure of debts that show monthly payments on your credit. Most lenders will not be concerned about a $100 monthly payment to your mom, from repayment of a personal loan. So unless your are asked about debt beyond that, which shows on your credit report don't bring it up.

This is important to understand because, a upward interest rate spike means a higher monthly payment. Higher monthly payments, reduce the amount that a consumer can qualify to borrow. As borrowers maximum loan amounts are reduced the inventory of big ticket items like cars and real estate could increase, which would mean that supply would be greater than demand.

Can you say, "lower prices."

Fortunately, the Fed has been forced to keep interest rates low because the economy is naturally "cooling off." As long as this trend continues, the Fed will only continue to cut interest rates. This "cooling off" is fueled by subprime mortgage 'spillover,' as homeowners, who are forced to cut spending, grapple with figuring out how to pay their adjustable and variable rate mortgages. This could present opportunities for those who, although credit challenged, have a decent income and need bad credit car loans, bad credit home loans, bad credit mortgages and bad credit car loans at a decent interest rate.

Remember, the Fed raises interest rates to "cool " an economy that is too "hot" and cuts rates to excite a "sluggish" economy. Believe it, or not subprime borrowers may find it easier to get a bad credit car loan, or a bad credit mortgage in a sluggish economy than in a hot economy. The three keys to getting a subprime loan, whether it be a bad credit auto loan, or a bad credit home loan are: income, job history and residency. Income, job history and residency can compensate for a lousy credit score as long as you make a good wage. If you have a great income, but a lousy credit score, now may be the time to either purchase a car, a home, refinance and/or clean up your credit.

However, be extremely careful before you go poking around in your credit before you apply for a home loan, or car loan. Always check your credit first personally, before you apply for a loan. The reason is because when you pull your credit, it does not affect your credit score, but when lenders pull your credit it results in an "inquiry" on your credit report, which could affect your credit score.

Credible lenders can determine if you qualify for a bad credit car loan, or bad credit mortgage by examining your personal credit report that "only you" pull. Furthermore, a personally pulled hard copy of your credit report, will allow you to shop for the best rate and term with many lenders. When you select a lender that you want to work with, you then allow that lender and only that lender, to pull your credit report. The same rules apply to brokers that you may work with as well.

Best of luck!!

by Michael Peterson

Michael Peterson works as a freelance writer for two websites:, a website that specializes in helping people get bad credit auto loans., a website that specializes in helping people get bad credit bad credit home loans refinancing, and mortgages.

More aboutWill The Fed Help You Get A Bad Credit Auto Loan?

Car Insurance Broker: Path of Getting Car Insurance Easily

Diposkan oleh Zainal Arifain

Car insurance is taken by car owners to protect their car against any damage. Generally when car owners get their car insured, they do not search well about the viability of insurance company. They just take any policy for car insurance, mostly either suggested by their friends or by relatives. But as different cars have different features so it will really be very helpful for them if instead of taking car insurance as per the suggestion of their relatives and friends, they should consult the car insurance broker.

Car insurance broker possesses the full knowledge about different policies of car insurance and car insurance brokers are the only right person who can suggest the policy as per the features of car. The work profile of car insurance brokers is very wide. They have to collect all current information about the car insurance market. They also have to keep themselves updated about the new features and technologies of car insurance so that that they could suggest the right policy as per the features of a particular car.

Generally car insurance broker gets commission from insurance companies, if the car owner takes the particular policy of car insurance suggested by the car insurance broker from that insurance company. Before getting any consultation from car insurance broker you are required to get yourself registered with the car insurance broker. While making you registered car insurance broker will ask a number if questions regarding your car like, your age, salary structure if employed or driving record whether you caused any accident or you have clean driving record, marital status and the location of your residence.

Now car insurance broker have their own websites. So that anyone who has the need of having their car insured can easily have access to them. Availability of car insurance broker on internet has made the work of searching by car owner about the car insurance broker very easy. On internet you can get many car insurance brokers and can choose any car insurance broker as per your convenience. You can get online a car insurance broker and then you need not to take any tension about searching and locating a car insurance that will provide you with a perfect policy as per your need and financial position. But while choosing the right car insurance broker it is essential to be ensured about the reliability and stability of car insurance broker in insurance market so that once after getting car insurance you may not have to face any problem.

by Henry Bell

Henry Bell is an author who can certainly identify the kind of insurance that you will need.He is an MBA(finance) from University of Oxford. endeavors to find the best possible deals for its customers. To find Travel insurance online, Car insurance broker, Car insurance quote, Home insurance, Van insurance, Motorcycle insurance visit

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Learn More About Auto Insurance Claims

Diposkan oleh Zainal Arifain

A car accident can be a scary time in anyone's life. Even if the damage is minimal there is a police report to file, the other driver to deal with and an auto insurance claim to file. If it is your first accident you may find yourself overwhelmed and unsure what to do first. Fortunately filing a claim is a step by step process that is relatively simple to learn and understand.

You must keep many things in mind in order to file a successful claim. Everything you say and do from the moment of the accident may have an impact on your claim. You must be certain that the police report is complete and accurate and that you have accurate information from the other driver. You should also be sure to file your insurance claim in a timely manner.

Determining "relative fault" in an accident is a complicated process that can only be handled by experts. "Relative fault" is the percentage of fault for an accident that lies with each driver. In most jurisdictions even the driver who is in the right has a responsibility to try to avoid an accident. Since relative fault will not be determined at the scene of the accident, it is important to stick to the facts and avoid a discussion of fault.

You should write your own statement of what happened for your records at the scene if possible or as soon as you get home. You also need to get the other driver's full name, insurance information and vehicle details. Also try to get a police report for even minor accidents.

After the Accident Contact your car insurance company immediately. The insurance company will probably send you forms to fill out and will likely request the police report and the other driver's insurance information. If you have any questions at all on how to fill out the forms do not hesitate to call your insurance company. The forms are the primary documents used to settle your auto insurance claim so be sure that they are accurately and completely filled out. What happens next depends on the type of insurance you have, your insurer's policies and procedures and their determination of fault.

If the other driver was at fault then you will normally receive a quick settlement offer from his insurance company. Read the offer carefully and have it reviewed by an attorney if possible. You will likely lose your right to sue if you take the settlement offer but a reasonable settlement will put money in your hands long before a lawsuit will. Only you and your attorney can decide whether to accept the settlement.

A car accident is scary for anyone. The paperwork that follows can be even scarier. However, filing a claim is a step by step process that anyone can learn. Simply follow the above tips and be sure to ask a lot of questions. You can be successful in filing your auto insurance claim.

by Levi Quinn

Shop for the best rates on local car insurance, such as Denver Auto Insurance, at

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Is there a need to buy Car Insurance?

Diposkan oleh Zainal Arifain

Is it neccesary to buy a car insurance coverage for your car or vehicle?

First you got to understand that Car insurance is compulsory by law. This applies in all countries.

When people who are involved in mishaps and accidents without car insurance are not just being careless about their own car. They are essentially being careless with you and your car as well.

When shopping for car insurance, it's easy to get confused about what coverage to buy. You want to keep your costs low, but you also want to be sure to be adequately protected.

Suppose you are involved in an accident and hurt someone , and it is determined that you were at fault; then the other party's medical bills would be your responsibility.

Comprehensive insurance covers flood, vandalism, hail, and fire damage, as well as theft.

For instance, you crash your car into another car, vehicle, any private or public objects or properties. Your car insurance property damage liability will help pay for these damages.

Make sure you are covered by your car insurance on various liablities. Uninsured motorist coverage pays for injuries received in accidents with those who don't carry liability insurance at all.

Make sure damage to your vehicle is covered if the other party doesn't have enough insurance. Underinsured motorist coverage takes care of damages to your vehicle once the other party's coverage is exhausted.

Think about the price of repairs to your car after an accident. Collision insurance will pay for accident-related repairs or replacement. Get the highest deductible you can comfortably afford to keep your car insurance premium low.

Consider your own personal health insurance before taking out a car insurer's medical payments insurance. This type of car insurance will pay the medical bills if you or your family-member or passengers are hurt in an accident. Keep in mind that passengers who don't have health insurance and/or aren't family members are not always covered by your carinsurance policy.

Collect medical payments due to you directly from your own car insurance company no matter who is at fault. No-fault insurance, along with personal injury protection that takes care of lost wages, funeral costs and some other expenses.

Join an AA (auto club or association) that offers rental or towing insurance services and other additional benefits.


RGann is an independent writer and marketer online. Ther are more ways to save money on car insurance. If you found this article useful you can learn a lot more about car insurance tips and resources by visiting

More aboutIs there a need to buy Car Insurance?

Connecticut Citizens Fight for Justice From Auto Insurers

Diposkan oleh Zainal Arifain

PRNewswire-USNewswire Car Insurance

A Customer Said: has a lot of energy.

Clayton L.
Orlando, FL

HARTFORD, Conn., Feb. 15 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Recent and upcoming reports on CNN illustrate how difficult it can be for auto accident victims to get fair compensation from insurance companies, even in seemingly straightforward and minor cases.

The network's 18-month investigation which aired this week on "Anderson Cooper 360" found that tactics to "delay, deny and defend" form the strategy of many auto insurance companies.

The story outlined how insurances companies will offer to pay a fraction of actual expenses from an accident. If you are in a minor impact crash and get hurt, former insurance industry insiders told CNN, insurance companies will most likely try doing the same thing to you: delay handling your claim, deny you were hurt and defend their decision in drawn-out court battles.

Connecticut citizens do not escape these maneuvers.

"I believe that insurance companies count on the fact that eight times out of 10, the claimant will either simply go away or hire an attorney who won't try the case," said Joe Mirrione, a New Haven attorney who has plenty of "horror stories" about insurance companies. "They figure that even if they lose those two other claims, they come out ahead in the end."

In fact, according to the Consumer Federation of America, many insurers now employ programs designed to systematically underpay claims. Computer-directed programs like "Colossus" and "Claims Outcome Advisor" allow insurers to determine the amount of overall claims' savings they want to achieve before claims are assessed for legitimacy.

If you are interested in writing or producing a story on this issue, please contact one of our member attorneys listed below, or Dr. Michael D. Freeman, the Forensic Epidemiologist from the CNN story. We've also included links to CNN's coverage and resulting Web Log, and to statistics from the Consumer Federation of America.

BridgeportDouglas Mahoney, Tremont & Sheldon, 203- 335-5145HartfordMichael Walsh, Moukawsher & Walsh, 860-549-8440David Cooney, RisCassi & Davis, 860-522-1196New HavenMichael Stratton, Stratton Faxon 203-624-9500Joseph Mirrione, L/O Joseph Mirrione 203-562-4386John Kennedy, Kennedy Johnson D'Elia & Gillooly 203-865-8430StamfordStewart Casper, Casper & deToledo, 203-325-8600New LondonBert Polito, Polito & Quinn, 860-447-3300 (Waterford)Robert I. Reardon, The Reardon Law Firm, 860-442-0444Dr. Michael Freeman PhD DC MPH,

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